A group of American Indian students at UND may register a formal complaint today about what they consider inappropriate and degrading actions during the Homecoming Parade by other students on a fraternity float. Indians said they objected to the jeering use of the Tomahawk chant and cheer. They said too that some woman and children were targets of racist comments by people riding on a fraternity and sorority float. Michelle Fox, a UND student in the parade, said that at some points people on the float were pointing their fingers and laughing at us. Joe Mcgillis, a student who took part in the UND Indian Association float said that he heard some women were told they should go "back to the pow-wow or back to the reservation." He said the comments came from the Sigma Alpha Epsilon float. Students hoped to meet with Dean of Students Lillian Ellsinga today.

One student activist said it's further cause to drop the Sioux name.

Published on 10/28/92, Grand Forks Herald