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UND Physics Professor Wagner: Internet accusations result in $3 million verdict against accuser MN Star Tribune Sept 30-02

Oct 15, 2002 NYTimes-What are the roles and responsibilities of co-authors? How much should scientists rely on trust? On Scientific Fakery and the Systems to Catch It

One killed as Russian rocket bites the dust Oct 16

Nobel winner was LAST in his class "Masatoshi Koshiba, one of the three winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics, on Wednesday provided evidence of his earlier claim he was the worst student in his university class by making public a copy of a transcript issued by his alma mater, Tokyo University."

Crystals with a Light Touch 
Polarized light can determine the precise structure of a growing crystal, opening the way for fine-tuned pharmaceuticals and novel materials.
 PRL (21 October 2002)



Oct. 6 The 9-11 Lottery Coincidence Analysis Shows Such Coincidences Aren't So Unusual